20th Century Art
Masters of 1960's East German Art
Original artworks collection from 1960-1973
"I wanted to present people in such a way that you would receive and recognise their misery and suffering, and instantly feel your own rage because of it."[9]

Lea Grundig
in her autobiography (1958)
Lea Grundig ( 1906 – 1977 was a German painter and graphic artist.
She joined the communist party early on, and in 1928 she left the Jewish community and, in further defiance of her father’s will, married Hans Grundig. In January 1933 the NSDAP (Nazi Party) took power and quickly set about creating a one party state. Membership of any party other than the Nazi party – and particularly of the Communist Party – became illegal. Grundig nevertheless remained an active participant in resistance to the regime, and thus in 1935 a ban was imposed on exhibits of her work[6] and in May 1936 she was finally, albeit this time briefly, arrested.[1] In March 1939 she was found guilty of “Preparing to commit High Treason” (»Vorbereitung zum Hochverrat«) as a result of her Communist activities and/or her Jewish provenance, and was sentenced to four months imprisonment. She served her sentence[8] in a prison in Dresden. However, on her release she was granted an emigration permit, and thus in 1940 she reached a refugee camp in Slovakia from where she moved as an exile to Palestine. Here she survived in a British internment camp at Atlit till 1942.[1] On release she remained, till the end of 1948, in Palestine, living successively in Haifa and Tel Aviv.
At the end of 2nd world war, she traveled back to Germany, and worked as a professor at the Dresden Academy of Fine Arts.
Lea Grundig
Günter Horlbeck
Günter Horlbeck ( 1927- 2016) was a German painter and graphic artist.In 1965 he was appointed professor of graphics and in 1967 professor and head of the painting and graphics specialist class at the Dresden Academy of Fine Arts.
"I don't think anyone can break free from his chain of tradition, from his environment, from his form - all this will concern him."

Gerhard Kettner
Gerhard Kettner
Gerhard Kettner (1928 -1993 ) was a German lithographer and graphic artist. He was a professor and rector of the Dresden Academy of Fine Arts.
The Collection
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