Mobility For Creativity

Motivated by the desire to cultivate meaningful intercultural dialogue through the visual arts in the Euro-Mediterranean region, and committed to leveraging the capabilities of modern social media outreach for amplified impact, the International Art Colony proudly introduces its second special focus art residency project, specifically designed for active and talented visual artists hailing from the EUROMED region.

This initiative is tailored for artists who are eager to break away from their routine practices and venture into new creative territories. Participants in this program have the opportunity to breathe life into their creative initiatives, explore novel ideas, and engage in collaborative endeavors with like-minded peers.
The residency spans one month, accommodating a maximum of two beneficiaries or mobilized individuals, each based in different countries.

We firmly believe that artistic expression transcends mere aesthetic beauty or creative use of materials. It possesses the power to convey profound thoughts and personal narratives that are meaningful to share with the broader public. This perspective opens up a valuable channel for mutual learning and promotes intercultural dialogue, fostering a deeper understanding of each other through the rich tapestry of diverse artistic narratives.

Art Residency

Filmed Art Residencies

An art residency is a program that invites artists to live and work in a particular location for a set period of time. These residencies offer artists a supportive environment where they can focus on their creative processes, away from the distractions of daily life. It’s not a tourist vacation or a holiday, but a commitment to focusing on and creating artworks.

This art residency program  provides artists with space, time, and limited resources to create and develop their work.

Therefore, the Art Colony only accepts applications from professional artists seeking to spend time working on creating artworks.

This is a filmed art residency. We will film you occasionally while working and we will record an interview with you on camera. You should be prepared to be filmed and photographed while working and during sightseeing programs organized by the Art Colony.

Our aim is to document visiting artists and to publish a short YouTube film about the art residency of each group of vising artists.

The Art Colony does not provide any makeup or hairdressing for the filming.

Exhibition of the artworks produced during the residency is the peak of the art residency. It is mandatory for all artists to participate in that exhibition.

Please note that the space is limited, therefore a maximum of 6 artworks can be exhibited per artist.
There are 2 additional mobile walls available for 2 more artworks, and 2 wooden stands for 2 more artworks.

Art Colony curators may select the artworks to be exhibited in the event that one artist produces a larger number of artworks that exceeds the space of the venue.

Please note that we do not provides frames for the artworks, except the wooden frames on which the canvas is stretched. We do provide limited number of frames with “glass” for some artworks created on paper. Please also note that the color of the walls at the exhibition venue cannot be changed, and will remain white.

Those artists who do not wish to stretch their canvas to the wooden frames, have to stretch the canvas to the Masonite boards in the available sizes.

Please note that artists are expected to prepare their artworks for hanging at the exhibition, and should wrap them before and after the exhibition with the provided material.

Artists should provide the titles and details of each artwork at least 2 days before the exhibition.

The physical exhibition will be open for a limited time period 3-9 days only. The online exhibition will be accessible for an entire year.

Artists are expected to help in unmounting the exhibition and should unstreach the canvases from the wooden frames.

Artists are expected to take home their artworks on their own expense. The Art Colony cannot provide any rolls or wrapping for artworks to be shipped from Hungary.

The Art Colony will publish an online catalog for the exhibition.

A printable version could be provided on request for those artists wishing to print it on their own expense.

The residency includes accommodation in a single room  in a private guest house (80 m2). The guest house includes a toilet and a shower, kitchen, living room and 2 bed rooms, plus 2 shaded and roofed terraces.

Important to note, you are not staying at a hotel, but a private wooden guest house. During your art residency, You will be hosted by a family.

The guest houses are used in the summer season. They are situated in a remote, rural village and are not equipped with air conditioning. However, we provide ventilators for cooling and a wood fire stove for heating to ensure your comfort.

Please check facilities of the guest house on its page.

Due to the location’s rustic nature, residents should be prepared for a simple, back-to-basics experience, fully embracing the charm and challenges of rural living.

During the Winter / Spring season, artists are placed in separate single rooms at the headquarters guest rooms, with heated rooms and big lobby, kitchen and an in house heated studio.

Important to note again, you are not staying at a hotel, but a private house.

The headquarters offer unlimited internet connection through WiFI.

The Art Colony will provide artists with a basic kit of art materials as listed below:

  • 10 x Talens Art Creation Acrylic paint 200 ml:
  •  Blue
  • Primary Yellow
  • Red
  • Ivory Black
  • Titanum White
  • Green
  • Azo Yellow Deep
  • Turquoise green
  •  Sap green
  • 100% cotton canvas 5 m x 110 cm 380 gr
  • Mazonite boards with white side for painting
  • Fabriano Academia 50 sheets block 120 gr/m2 30 x 42 cm
  • Fabriano Academia 30 sheets block 200g/m2 42 x 60 cm.
  • pencils
  • basic stand
  • charcoal
  • Talens Art Creation water color set 24 x 12 ml
  • colored draw pencils
  • mediums for acrylic paint
  • 5 wooden frames various sizes: 100 x 100 cm and 60 x 80 cm and 120 x 100 cm
  • black ink
  • brushes

Any other needed art materials should be brought or purchased by the artist.

There are plenty of Recreational programs nearby. Artists are encouraged to tour the region by themselves. The Art Colony will provide artists with up to date time tables for public transportation options from the village to the nearest 2 cities.

In the summer season, The Art Colony will organize 2 swimming occasions in nearby lakes and 1 occasion of hiking in nature.

In the winter / spring season, the Art Colony will organize 1 visit to the thermal baths and  2 occasions of hiking in nature.

Other non supported programs are available at the expense of the artist provided by third parties, please check the art residency pages.

The Art Colony will organize a visit to 2 leading art museums in Budapest:

  • The Museum of Fine Arts
  • The National Gallery

The Art Colony will also organize a visit to the gallery’s street in Budapest (Bartok Béla street in Buda side).

The Art Colony will provide up to date information about any other museums and exhibitions. Interested artists should visit those by themselves on their own expense.

The Art Colony will organize Sightseeing tours in the following Hungarian towns: 

1. Budapest (1 day)

2. Székesfehérvár (half day)

3. Tihany and lake Balaton (half day)

4. Mór (half day)

5. Tata, Majk (Half day)

Artists are encouraged to visit other attractions on their own and at their own expense.

The Art Colony will organize a half day art printing Workshop during the summer season.

Additionally, the Art Colony will organize a half day Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Art, with AI artist Zsolt Iványi (Hungary). Artists are encouraged to bring along their laptops or tablets to this workshop.

The Art Colony will provide visiting artists with 3 meals a day:

  • 1 hot meal daily (lunch) delivered to the guest house daily at 14:00, except where lunch is held at HQ.
  • 2 cold meal (breakfast and dinner) (weekly delivery)

Breakfast and dinner include the following items:

  • Cheese selection
  • Ham/Salami selection
  • Eggs
  • Milk
  • Butter
  • Jam
  • Cereals
  • Bread
  • Tomatoes
  • olive oil and Zatar

Lunch may or may nor include soup, and includes a main course, occasionally with a salad.

Visiting artists may cook their dinner at the kitchen of the guest house. Artists may shop their groceries at their own expense in one of 3 shops in the village or in one of the 6 supermarkets in the town nearby (5 km, 10 minutes by bus).

The Art Colony provides Hungarian and Palestinian meals.  Artists may select either of the following menus:

  •  Local (includes pork) or
  • Halal or
  • vegetarian.

Please note that the Art Colony does not provide fruits in the winter /spring season except conserved fruits.

The Art Colony will provide Airport transfer (BUDAPEST Airport) for all visiting artists to and from the Art Colony.

Artists spending their last night in Budapest will have t o arrange their airport transfer from their Budapest Hotel on their own expense.

The tap water at the guest house is clean and cold and comes directly from the mountains.

However, we will provide you with mineral water (sparkling or non sparkling).

The Guest House is cleaned on a weekly basis. However, visiting artists are expected to keep the place clean at all times.   All cleaning materials are provided and there is a small hoover in the house.

Please note that cleaning does not include dish washing.

Bed sheets and towels are replaced on a weekly basis.

Laundry is taken care of on a weekly basis. Garbage is collected on a weekly basis.

Visiting artsis may use the Art books library.

Some books are found in the guest house, while the bulk of them are in the offline library on the computer of the Art Colony.

Internet access is limited in this rural area, WIFI is provided free of charge up to 5 GB / week.

Artists requiring more internet must purchase it at their own expense from the local telecom companies, or occasionally use the unlimited free internet at the headquarters of the Colony.

The Guest House is equipped with an espresso machine, Nescafe, tea, water heater, milk, lemon and sugar.

home made honey may be purchased in the village.

Visiting visual artists are responsible for arranging their own visa applications in a timely manner. Once approved and selected, the Colony will furnish official invitation letters.

Artists are required to manage and pay for their travel logistics, including securing flight/train/bus tickets by themselves.

Visiting artists are expected to keep their arriving and departing boarding cards /train tickets and provide a copy of them to the Art Colony.

Artists arriving by air travel should arrive to and depart from Budapest Airport.

Artists arriving by train should arrive to and depart from either Budapest train station or Győr train station.

It is mandatory for all visiting artists to possess valid medical insurance throughout their stay at the Colony. Artists are expected to verify if their insurance is valid in Hungary, and to familiarize themselves with  the steps to to be taken with their insurer in case of medical emergency.

In the case of emergency, the Art Colony will call the emergency center, however, the Art Colony will not pay for any treatment received by a vising artist.

Additionally, artists are encouraged to bring all necessary medications. The Art Colony cannot provide artists with any medicines except the emergency care kit placed in the bathroom of the guest house.

To the extent that visiting artists need any medications, the Art Colony will direct the artist to the nearest pharmacy. Medications should be paid for by the artist.

The Art Colony does not provide any alcoholic beverages.

The village has 3 shops to purchase alcoholic drinks, in addition to countless wine cellars where artists may purchase wine directly from the maker.

The Art Colony does not provide any sugared drinks or fruit juices.

Visiting artists may purchase these at their own expense in the local shops.

Eligible Countries For This Project

Albania, Algeria, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Jordan, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Mauritania, Monaco, Montenegro, Morocco, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Palestine, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Syria, Tunisia, Türkiye.

Applications by citizens of countries not mentioned above will not be considered for this residency program.

Art Colony Policies and Rules

Visiting artists are expected to thoroughly review the art residency pages on our website prior to arriving at the Art Colony. Familiarizing themselves with the residency guidelines, schedules, facilities, and community expectations will ensure a smooth and productive stay. This preparation will help artists integrate seamlessly into the residency program and maximize their creative experience.

Artists who are allergic to insects or other bugs, or those who are not comfortable with the realities of living in a rural mountainous area surrounded by nature, should not apply for any art residency at the Art Colony. This residency involves immersion in a natural environment, and applicants should be prepared for the presence of various insects and wildlife. It is crucial for potential residents to understand and accept these conditions before applying.

Visiting artists are expected to conduct themselves with decency and respect towards their hosts, fellow visiting artists and the local community. Any form of aggressive or inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated and may result in the immediate termination of the residency. In the event of such termination, the Art Colony will not be liable for any loss, compensation or refunds to the artist. The artist will bear the full cost of changing their travel tickets and all other associated costs and consequences. It is the artist’s responsibility to adhere to these standards to ensure a positive and respectful environment for all participants. Artists should maintain a professional demeanor and contribute positively to the collaborative and creative environment.

Applicants must be prepared to actively engage in dialogue with fellow artists. This includes participating in collaborative discussions, sharing ideas and techniques, and providing constructive feedback. The residency aims to create a vibrant, interactive environment where artists can learn from each other and develop their work through meaningful exchanges. Applicants should be open-minded, respectful of diverse perspectives, and willing to contribute to the collective growth and inspiration of the artistic community.

Visiting artists are expected to complete the residency evaluation form and provide their feedback in writing at the end of the residency. Artists are also expected to fill out and sign the participation sheet, and to sign the art residency contract (which is sent to the artist prior to final admission).

We speak English, Arabic,  Hungarian and some German. Applicants are expected to be proficient in at least one of these languages in addition to their native language.

Upcoming Special Focus Art Residencies

The art residency will take place between MAY 20, 2025, and JUNE 20, 2025.

  • The residency is open to professional and talented visual artists or film directors OR ANIMATION ARTISTS who are citizens of any of the EURO-MED countries listed above.
  • Applicants must be between 30 and 55 years old at the time of application.
  • Non-EU citizens are encouraged to apply, and having a valid EU visa or another citizenship (for example Jordanian citizen having a USA, UK, Canada or EU passport in addition to the Jordanian passport) is an advantage.
  • The residency will host 2 artists from different countries (either 2 males or 2 females) .
  • Selection for this art residency is exclusively merit-based. Selection is made by Art Colony curators.

This art residency aims to foster dialogue between the complementary shores of the Mediterranean. Therefore, the theme of the exhibition is Identity. Visiting artists are expected to create artworks that explore and reflect upon this theme, delving into the rich tapestry of cultural, social, and personal identities that characterize the Mediterranean region.

This residency encourages artists to examine the multifaceted nature of identity, including but not limited to aspects such as:

  • Cultural Heritage: How historical and cultural heritage shapes individual and collective identities.
  • Migration and Displacement: The impact of migration, both historical and contemporary, on the sense of self and community.
  • Social and Political Influences: The role of social and political contexts in defining and redefining identities.
  • Personal Narratives: Personal experiences and stories that contribute to the formation of identity.

Through this residency, artists will contribute to a broader conversation about identity, fostering connections and understanding between diverse Mediterranean cultures. The resulting artworks will be showcased in an exhibition that highlights these dialogues and perspectives, inviting audiences to reflect on their own identities and those of others.

Past Art Residencies in this series

Our Partners for this project

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A Project By InterKulti Association For The Promotion Of Intercultural Dialogue

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