Csókakő, November 18, 2024 – The member states of the “Union for the Mediterranean” will jointly celebrate the “Day of the Mediterranean” on November 28, an event dedicated to nurturing shared cultural heritage, identity, and diversity.
This year’s program, titled “Sounds That Connect,” will take place in Csókakő, which has been chosen as Hungary’s central location as part of a Euro-Mediterranean project. The event is organized by the Municipality of Csókakő and the Interkulti Association, with the support of the Anna Lindh Foundation and co-financing from the European Union.
The Day of the Mediterranean initiative is not only about music but also about building connections, sharing experiences, and strengthening the collective voice of Mediterranean peoples. On this day, music acts as a bridge, offering a powerful means of expression that unites us in ways words often cannot.
The event will be held simultaneously in 24 Euro-Mediterranean countries, with live broadcasts from all locations, allowing people worldwide to join the celebration and pay tribute to Euro-Mediterranean values. The event will also be available as a live broadcast on YouTube.
The Day of the Mediterranean provides a unique opportunity for local communities and global audiences to experience the connection of cultures, celebrate diversity, and collectively promote the strengthening of intercultural dialogue.
Sounds That Connect – The Day of the Mediterranean – Let us celebrate our culture, heritage, and unity together!
The live stream is provided by StreamWorks Hungary, our gold-level sponsor, in collaboration with Csókakő TV.
Kobza Vajk has been one of the most exciting performers in the Hungarian contemporary oriental and improvisational world music scene for over a decade and a half..
The music of this formation is a crossroad where the modal traditions of the Middle East, the freedom of European jazz, the heritage of melodies from bygone eras, and the exploratory spirit of the present age all converge. Their vision is to transcend genre classifications and elevate music-making born in the moment to a higher level, enhanced by extraordinary instrumentation and a completely unique sound world.
During the concert, Kobza Vajk draws from his previous albums, while also presenting the first sounds of upcoming compositions, often for the very first time.
Their performance is a conscious and unparalleled journey into the familiar yet unknown. Listening to their concert feels like witnessing Ada Kaleh—a sunken island of the Lower Danube—rise again from the waves. .
Performers and Instruments: Fatou Gozlan: ney, fula, bansuri, tombak Heidrich Roland: electric guitar, electronics Kobza Vajk: oud (Arabic lute), saz Major Balázs: udu (ceramic drum), percussion Murányi Norbert: Persian santur Pengő Csaba: double bass
Guessous Majda Mária “Mesi” is a Hungarian-Moroccan folk singer and songwriter with five albums to her name. In 2011, her work was recognized with the Junior Prima Award..
Born in Debrecen, Hungary, she grew up surrounded by Hungarian folk songs and the world of Arabic music, which became a natural environment for her. This duality later became the foundation of her creative work, musical thinking, and openness to musical traditions beyond Hungarian folk music.
Her musical style is unique; in her song compilations, the folk music and textual content of various cultures are interwoven. The idea of Béla Bartók’s “brotherhood of nations” holds particular significance for her, a concept she sincerely conveys through her music.
She gave her first solo concert at the age of 18 in her hometown, Debrecen, where, alongside folk songs, jazz, musicals, and light music also featured. She later gained admission to the inaugural class of the Folk Music Department of the Liszt Academy of Music, graduating in 2012 as a folk singing performer and teacher.
Mesi regularly performs concerts across the globe, from Asian countries to the United States. She has also contributed as a vocalist to numerous folk, world music, and jazz albums.
Marokkói, többoldalú zenész Budapesten, aki széles körben elismert, mint hazája egyik legkiválóbb fiatal gitárosa. 2019-ben szerzett diplomát zenepedagógia szakon a Mohammed 5 Tudományos és Pedagógiai Karon, és számos neves nemzetközi művésszel dolgozott együtt, köztük Hatim Ammorral, Balqees Fathival, Zouhair Bahaouival, Omar Bashirral, Alaa Zouitennel, Assalával, Asma Lmnawarral és Zubival.
Amine flamenco iránti szenvedélyét, amelyet zenész családban való nevelkedése alapozott meg, zenei felfedezések útjára vitte, többek között a gitár és flamenco ritmus professzoraként tanított a lettországi Escuelita Flamencában. Emellett Amine kivételes zenei tehetsége és elkötelezettsége számos elismerést hozott számára, például 2016-ban elnyerte a legjobb zenei alkotás díját a nemzeti kulturális fesztiválon, valamint ugyanebben az évben Marokkó összes egyetemének legjobb zenészének járó díjat is.
Amine egyedülálló zenei hatásokkal átszőtt stílusa, kivételes tehetsége és elhivatottsága révén nemzetközi koncerteken is részt vett, amelyek során több hangszeren is bemutatta sokoldalúságát.
“,,...mintha egy távoli naprendszer tradicionális zenéje lenne” – –
“...meditatív és mély anyag, nagyon el lehet – és erősen ajánlott – benne mélyedni.
“...egyszerre támaszkodik ősi hagyományokra és hoz létre új hagyományt.” – (Recorder, 2021.02.11)
“Nem csupán megjelent egy jó magyar lemez, hanem olyan lemez ez, amely a világon bárhol megállja a helyét...” – (Magyar Krónika, 2020.09.26)”
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A Project By InterKulti Association For The Promotion Of Intercultural Dialogue